Have you worked really hard making a beautiful quilt top but don't want to quilt it yourself? Who do you get to quilt it for you? How much does it cost?
First do a search on Google and contact 2 or 3 quilters to see how much they charge. Find out what they require.
Then call me for my estimate.
There are several things to consider when getting someone else to quilt your work of art.
Are you going to purchase the batting and backing yourself or do you want to leave that up to the quilter? That can get expensive.
If you provide the backing and batting yourself make sure to measure your quilt top and purchase enough batting and fabric to fit. When measuring your top always add about 2 to 4 inches on each side and 4 to 6 inches for top and bottom. Keep in mind that the batting and backing have a tendency to shrink during the quilting process. No one wants the top to end up bigger than the backing. You would have to trim the top to fit.
Think about shipping costs. And always insure your package. If it got lost or damaged you would want some kind of compensation.
Your quilt will need to have binding so decide what color you want and make arrangements to purchase enough fabric for it or add it to the cost of the quilting if your quilter provides it.
Think about the design you want quilted on it. Most people prefer stippling, which is a beautiful stitch that meanders around the quilt.
How dense do you want the quilting? The denser the quilting the stiffer the quilt. Do you want a a soft quilt to wrap up in? Then opt for the wider quilting. If it's for a bedspread you can opt for the denser stitching. It's all personal choice.
Some people prefer to have each block embroidered. That is more expensive but oh so beautiful. And if your block has a design you might want echo stitching around the design to make it stand out.
Talk everything over with the quilter so you feel comfortable with your decision.